Custom Manufacturing

Custom Manufacturing

Qualification And Expertise

In the past decade our product group has grown from zero to current one that consists of hundreds of products categorized in various series according to their shapes and applications. In this process we have gained accumulation on our technical people, necessary equipment, devices, complete supply chain as well as strong sense of standard, control, optimization. More importantly, years’work on magnetic assemblies gives us good opportunity to grasp core principles of magnetics and related details that could have impact on final product’s performance. Armed with all above we have been doing quite well in customized magnetic products.

Custom Manufacturing

We are particularly good at products combining metal parts and magnets, rubber and magnets, plastic and magnets. We mainly use neodymium magnet and ceramic/ferrite magnet

General Process

  • Understand customer’s requirement
  • Collect all information relating to product itself as well as its application
  • Define the product and come up with different options if possible
  • Discuss with customer over each option to narrow down the scope
  • Sample making
  • Test and improvement
  • Approval

Customer’s Input

It takes a lot of work, efforts to successfully finish a new product from scratch. A well-organized team work can bring more efficiency, ease to this process.

The beginning stage is always featured by conflicts, ties in communication because it takes time to learn how to think from perspective of a different professional field so that both parties are in the same page. We have been asked so many times by customers ‘what information do you need’ and, summarized from practical experiences, it would be better if could receive following categorized information:

Introduction about how this product is to be used, on what application, at what working condition (temperature, humidity, etc).

Size, shape, components of the product in details. For such information, technical drawings, pictures always make much clearer communication than verbal description.

Information about how this product is to be tested and what criteria should be met for a qualified product.

This is considered to be the most critical information for a new product where other related information that is not mentioned above should also be provided to let us have a better, more complete view.